jkidphilly, Parent Ambassador for Chester County

Jewish Learning Venture’s jkidphilly team is actively recruiting a Parent Ambassador to help families raising Jewish children to meet and connect with other Jewish families in Chester County. This family engagement initiative is part of jkidphilly, geared to identifying and engaging parents and caregivers of young children and assisting them in accessing relevant and meaningful Jewish experiences. jkidphilly Parent Ambassadors have the exciting opportunity to have a hands-on role in re-imagining their local Jewish community to meet the needs of parents with young children.

This jkidphilly Parent Ambassador (PA) in Chester County is someone who: 

  • Is a member of the Chester County parent/caregiver community 
  • Has at least one child in the target demographic of newborn-6 years old
  • Is excited to meet and welcome parents/caregivers, and get to know them 
  • Is an excellent communicator and excels at relationship building 
  • Is passionate about Jewish life and interested in facilitating and participating in new opportunities for peers to meet each other 
  • Is self-motivated, curious and open to new ideas 
  • Knowledgeable about local offerings for parents (or is willing to learn) both within and outside of the Jewish community 
  • Will serve as an ambassador for jkidphilly and Jewish Learning Venture 

The PA will receive a $5000 stipend for 10 months in addition to a budget for program materials. The PA is expected to work approximately 20 hours/month from October through June on a variety of programs including: 

  • Small in person, outdoor gatherings (as Covid-19 safety allows); 
  • Host special programs on Zoom related to Jewish holidays, values and/or culture; 
  • Assemble and distribute kits with Jewish resources for families to use at home; 
  • Deepen connections with families through face to face meetings, phone calls, personal emails and through social media 
  • Participate in virtual orientation sessions followed by monthly zoom calls with the PA cohort
  • Check in with supervisor on a weekly basis

Contact: info@jewishlearningventure.org with any questions