Julia Is In!

Office Hours For Congregational Teachers

JLV Director of Professional Learning Julia Weekes is holding “office hours” monthly on Monday evenings for any congregational teacher grappling with a classroom challenge. Teachers will benefit from real-time support from Julia and their colleagues in the field.

Mondays once a month from 7-8pm on Zoom

(No pre-registration necessary for the Zoom sessions; the link will be shared on the listserv):

October 21st | November 18th | December 16th | January 13th | February 10th | March 10th | April 21st | May 12th

Join our congregational teacher listserv, JPhilly Teachers, where we’ll share resources, events, and other opportunities for Jewish educators as well as holding space to ask questions, share wisdom, and connect with colleagues.

(Put “listserv” in the subject line.)