Join us in wishing our colleague and friend, Rabbi Philip Warmflash mazel tov on his upcoming retirement after serving as the face of Jewish Learning Venture and its predecessor organizations for the past 27 years. A picture of Rabbi Phillip Warmflash, wearing glasses, a suit and a kippah. He is sitting in front of a stained glass window.

In celebration of his many accomplishments, we aim to raise “double chai” $3,600 in support of the agency Rabbi Phil brought to fruition. Every donation of at least $54 will be invited to share a message of well-wishes for Rabbi Phil that will be presented to him electronically and later in a printed keepsake.

We also hope you join us at Rabbi Phil’s virtual retirement party on Wednesday, August 19 at 1:00pm.

Contact Alyse Unterberger with questions.

Select an option below to register for the virtual party and/or to leave Rabbi Phil a message.