Thinking Nationally
By Rabbi Philip Warmflash, Executive Director / For the past several days, Elana Rivel and I joined a group of 25 professionals involved in Jewish education across the country for a conference in Miami (not a bad place to go in the middle of an Artic Blast).
Introducing Microgrants for jteenphilly Professionals
by Robyn Cohen, Director, PJ Library Philadelphia and jteenphilly / Meeting the needs of Jewish teenagers in the Philadelphia area is one of the goals of jteenphilly, a relatively new and exciting initiative of Jewish Learning Venture.
Sheldon Low in Concert: A Collaborative Celebration
By Lori Rubin, Director, Family Engagement / What a great day! Sheldon Low, one of the brightest young stars in Jewish rock music, came to our neighborhood on Sunday to bring music, dancing and fun to over 260 people representing Jewish Learning Venture's jkidphilly, Perelman Jewish Day School, and Ramah Day Camp families.