Passover Fun On The Road!
By Lori Rubin, Director, Family Engagement / Is Passover all about Freedom? Yes and no. The holiday of Passover is also about...
The Journey Continues
By Rabbi Philip Warmflash, Executive Director / Pesah is a celebration of journeys: the journey of the plates from the basement to the kitchen, the multiple journeys to the stores to purchase food items that we would not think of eating the rest of the year.
Planning for the Future
At this week’s Jewish Learning Venture board meeting, our board members unanimously approved a new three-year Strategic Plan, including new vision and mission statements. Why did we do it? Because it was the right time and the time to do it right! Since the merger of ACAJE and JOP we have written two 18-month strategic plans, or, more correctly, operational plans that identified what we needed to do to blend two agencies into one agency. This fifteen-month planning process was different; we wanted a plan that would be longer in duration (3 years) and a process that would really give [...]