Seeing the World In A Unique Way…
by Leah Stein Tiferet Bet Israel The biggest thing I’ve learned working with kids with learning disabilities over this past year is that they see the world in the most wonderfully unique way. I sometimes wish I could dive into their minds and discover the world the way they do. I’ve had a student who couldn’t tell Hebrew letters apart, or put them together to sound them out, but was great at recognizing patterns within the words. Once you told him what the word said, and what it meant, he remembered it forever. Other kids had to sound out the [...]
Skills I’ve Learned From TAP
by Andrew Danowitz Temple Sholom of Broomall Things I learned: Before enrolling in the TAP program, there were many things that I did not know about specific disabilities and their effects on people. I think there is a common misconception that because individuals have disabilities, they are incapable of doing anything. At TAP, I learned that disabled people are very intelligent, they often just express themselves differently. The major traits needed to work with people who have disabilities are patience and understanding. Being patient is one of the most important elements I learned that helps me work with and understand [...]