Respecting Every Child’s Learning Needs
by Maya Rigler, Temple Sholom in Broomall Being a TAP teen has inspired me to more effectively respond to the challenges of teaching. This year is my second year working with a joint class of kindergarten and first graders at Temple Sholom in Broomall. I love working with these kids, as they always have lots of fun and energy in store! While a teacher must control the classroom as a whole, my focus as a madrich are the needs of each individual child. Thanks to the TAP Program, I have learned various techniques for working with children with learning differences. [...]
I am most proud to be a TAP teen because…
by Andrew Salkin, Tiferet Bet Israel I am most proud to be a TAP teen because I now am able to help kids more, specifically kids with disabilities. As a teen assistant, I want nothing more from my students than to see them gain knowledge more and become better people. Thanks to the TAP program, I am able to help that goal come true for many of these kids. At TBI, the synagogue I am an assistant at, I work with the youngest age group consisting of both preschoolers and kindergarteners. Since all of the kids need extra assistance, being [...]