By Danya Shapiro, jkidphilly Program Specialist

The other day while eating dinner, my four year old started discussing mitzvot (good deeds) with me and thinking about all the different mitzvot she has done.  In our back and forth dialogue, we discussed how mitzvot help us to lead meaningful and good lives.  We also pulled out “It’s a, It’s a, It’s a Mitzvah” (one of our PJ Library books!) to help in our mitzvah investigation.  It was exciting for her when she realized that lighting the Hanukkah candles was a mitzvah and that even helping me pick out the candles and getting the hanukkiot (menorahs) ready was a mitzvah.  There are so many wonderful things we all do in our everyday lives that are mitzvot, it is nice to, when possible, take a moment to be conscious about our actions.

Today at 10am, jkidphilly is having Mitzvah Morning at the Kaiserman JCC, where we will be making flower arrangements to donate to local seniors at Golden Slipper, Saunders House and the Klein JCC.  Come join lots of  jkidphilly families just like yours as we build community and do a mitzvah!
