By Robyn Cohen, Director, PJ Library Philadelphia and jteenphilly
Yesterday, over 75 people gathered together at Kesher Israel in West Chester to build community as they learned how to braid and bake hallah. We had jkidphilly moms, dads, and kids of all ages decorating and braiding challah dough as they made new friends and renewed old friendships. Kids had the chance to make Shabbat cards for their friends and family, listen to PJ library books about hallah making, and most importantly, roll up their sleeves and make some dough themselves. One mom remarked that hallah making seemed so intimidating and she really appreciated the step-by-step instructions and now wants to try it at home. You can too! Here is the recipe we used –add some chocolate chips or sprinkles to make your hallah special. Send your hallah pictures to us and if you are interested in Jewish Learning Venture bringing this program to you, please let us know.
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