by Nathan Rigler, Temple Sholom
I am a 9th grader, and I am in the TAP teen program. We have learned about the different ways that people can feel left out if they can’t learn a certain way. Even if the teachers don’t realize it, some people have to be thought a certain way. Sometimes the teachers need to adapt and have different learning methods available to help the kids learn to the best of their abilities, but it is also important that the plans go well and it is still enjoyable for the kids.
For example, if we were learning about Passover, we could put on a Passover skit. People in the skit would learn by acting out the characters, people who were watching could learn by listening and watching the events take place. This skit would help the student have fun and learn in the best way possible. Even outside of Hebrew school, at home you could do an arts and craft project and present them to have fun and still learn about the holiday.
During one week of TAP, we talked about some of the ways that we can be more inclusive. Some of the ways that we came up with were: An arts and craft project, a play/skit, watching an informative video, and much more.