by Alexandra Gaev, Beth Sholom

I am proud to be apart of the TAP program because it allows me to be apart of a team and it gives me the opportunity to work with children in a Jewish environment. Being a TAP teen member I have met other Jewish teens in the area. I have enjoyed our monthly meetings. I get to know my TAP teen members in a fun way. We do a lot of talking, eating, and learning. I appreciate hearing other TAP teen members life and work experiences.

Working in the classroom is a new adventure for me. I find it exciting to assist at Beth Sholom. I remember being a student at Beth Sholom, never thinking I would be a teacher assistant. I have enjoyed working with the kids. It is amazing to see them learn and have fun at the same time. One of my favorite lessons was when the kids were learning about mitzvot. The kids all sat in a circle and shared their mitzvah with each other. The kids were taught to support each other by singing together “it’s a, it’s a, it’s a mitzvah!” Everyone was smiling and happy. I thought it was so cute. It made me feel good and brought back wonderful memories for me as a student at Beth Sholom. I cannot wait to experience more Sundays and share them with the other TAP teen members.