In order to effectively connect more people to Jewish life, Jewish Learning Venture seeks to establish and support cohesive systems – within and outside of current Jewish institutions that will enable more people to find meaning and relevance in Jewish life, and that will expand the presence of “community.”

The agency spearheads cross-boundary networks among institutions. We lead dozens of Reshet (Hebrew for “network”) skill strengthening and capacity building workshops that help congregational leaders  confront the challenges of synagogue life, lower communal boundaries, and promote collaboration. Our upcoming Yom Iyyun: City-Wide Symposium for Congregational Leadership that will take place on Wednesday, June 10 (from 8:00am-10:00am at Jewish Learning Venture)  is your next opportunity to join us in this work.

Money, Membership and Community through a Jewish Lens will bring congregational teams together to explore a values-based approach to developing and managing financial and human resources. The workshop will be rooted in our tradition as well as in contemporary best practices.

Rabbi Shawn Israel Zevit will facilitate our conversation. Rabbi Zevit is the lead rabbi at congregation Mishkan Shalom in Philadelphia and has worked for over thirty years consulting with and supporting dozens of congregations, organizations, and social justice and sustainability initiatives in the Jewish and larger world. He is the author of Offerings of the Heart: Money and Values in Faith Communities and numerous publications on congregational and organizational life. Since 2013 he has worked with UJA/New York Federation’s Synergy Synagogue project on issues of dues, fundraising and congregational. Rabbi Zevit is a graduate of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and also has smicha from Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi z”l and ALEPH.

The Yom Iyyun will be the first of a three-part series about the challenges facing congregations, particularly around the issue of membership. Each session will include the identification of concrete action plans to bring back to your congregation. Sessions II and III will take place in the Fall of 2015.

To register, click here.

For more information, contact Elana Rivel, / 215.320.0388
