Internships @ Jewish Learning Venture
Over the last number of years, Jewish Learning Venture has been fortunate to host a number of high school interns who worked on a number of different projects - from program development and support to database entry. All of their work has truly allowed our agency to move our work forward in meaningful ways. This year, through the Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy Senior Community Service initiative, we had the opportunity to introduce two seniors to our work and leverage their expertise in being Jewish teenagers in Philadelphia for our jteenphilly program. Here they write about their experiences: OR AYASH/ Over [...]
Announcing Whole Community Inclusion’s B’nai Mitzvah Training: Making Accommodations and Modifications
Whole Community Inclusion is offering a two-day training that will provide information about understanding different types of learning challenges and resources to create accommodations and modifications for children of all abilities as they reach this significant milestone. Experienced educators will share real life examples of successful adaptations for trope, prayer learning and working on D'vrei Torah.