By Gloria Becker, Director, Learning Initiatives in Jewish Education
Jewish Learning Venture is taking on a bold, new program for our agency and for the educators in the greater Philadelphia area. On June 8 and 9, Education Directors and experienced teachers from Part-time Jewish schools will work together to learn to create curriculum. Most directors and teachers have “tweaked” an existing curriculum, but only a very few have had the opportunity to create curriculum from scratch.
We will be applying the principles of “Backward Design” to prioritize goals, learning targets, content, and student assessments. We will also learn about “Universal Design for Learning” to ensure that the curriculum we create is accessible to learners of differing abilities. “Backward Design” and “Universal Design for Learning” are well-researched effective practices.
We’ll post after the June sessions to let you know how the sessions went and what we created.
If you are an Education Director or experienced (5+ years) teacher and want to join us on June 8 and 9, please contact Gloria Becker, EdD, 215.320.0368. There is no fee to participate.