February 21, 2021 @ 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Description: A family story…Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer will share about what she’s learned from the life and legacy of her Great-Uncle Mace Bugen, who was 43 inches tall and never let society’s prejudices stop him from achieving his dreams. She’ll also share about what she’s learned as the mother of a son with severe autism and an intellectual disability and how her personal experience has motivated her to work for a more inclusive Jewish community.

Her book is available to purchase via Bookshop.org or your favorite online bookseller.

Host synagogue: Temple Beth Hillel-Beth El

Location: Your home!

Date and Time: Sunday, February 21, 2021 at 11:30am

Cost:  Free

To register, or more information: contact Ken Krivitzky, Executive Director of Temple Beth Hillel-Beth El

"JDAIM February 2021. Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance, & Inclusion Month" with a blue and yellow ribbon on the side that are interwoven to create a Star of David.