By Jonathan M. Broder, President
I first learned about Jewish Learning Venture before it was Jewish Learning Venture. JOP (a predecessor of the agency) staff facilitated workshops for my congregation, Tiferes B’Nai Israel in Warrington, around issues of leadership and institutional engagement and brought the Reshet initiative to the BuxMont Kehillah, while ACAJE (also a predecessor agency) staff worked with us to strengthen congregational education.
I continued to see the impact of the work of Jewish Learning Venture in multiple areas around the community. I got involved in the work of Jewish Learning Venture as a committee chair and later, when asked to join the board, I was happy to accept. I now have the honor and challenge of serving as President of the agency board.
My involvement in at the agency has been my opportunity to give back both to Jewish Learning Venture and to the Jewish Community. I know that you who are members of our Board, our Trustees, our committee volunteers and our donors share that feeling with me. We are giving back – with our time, our expertise, and, yes, with our dollars. We were all lucky enough to experience these “simhas,” that Jewish Learning Venture brings to our community and, we all want to give back so the next generation can receive what we received.
I want to challenge you to give back so that together we can continue the work of Jewish Learning Venture. How can you do that? Here are five suggestions:
- Learn more about our work from our annual report and our website,
- Attend a program, maybe the One Book One Jewish Community Author Event and Book Signing on Sunday, January 26th at Adath Jeshurun
- Tell people you know about the innovative efforts of Jewish Learning Venture,
- Volunteer for a committee,
- Contribute to keep Jewish Learning Venture strong!
As the Beatles say on the last track of Abbey Road, “And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make.”
Join the conversation: How do you give back to our community?