by Izzy Cutler
Through my last couple months being apart of the TAP program I have learned a lot about myself, and the students I have been working with. It has been a privilege to work at Keneseth Israel, the synagogue I have grown up at, and be engaged in a new role where I can work 101 with specific students who need extra help, as opposed to just being a general classroom assistant. I have learned so much from the students that I work with and am incredibly grateful that I have had this opportunity.
Something I have learned about people with disabilities is that everyone is unique and different. There is no way to categorize these children as a whole. Every kid will respond to something different, and learn a different way. The key is putting in the time and effort in order to fully understand the child and discover they tools that they need to be successful. Because every student is unique, there is a unique way to bring out the way best in each student.
What I most enjoy about learning with children with learning differences is being able to see them grow. It is so rewarding to see your hard work pay off, and makes every second worth it. When I see the children I work with have good days, it reminds me why I do what I do. Another thing I enjoy, is being able to learn about myself through the children I work with. I am able to work on my patience, tolerance, and understanding by working with these kids.
I am proud to be a TAP teen because every classroom everywhere should be inclusive and sometimes that requires a few extra hands. I am glad to be one of those hands!!