by Robyn Cohen, Director, PJ Library Philadelphia and jteenphilly

Meeting the needs of Jewish teenagers in the Philadelphia area is one of the goals of jteenphilly, a relatively new and exciting initiative of Jewish Learning Venture. Members of jteenphilly’s consortium are made up of professionals working with Jewish teens in all kinds of ways, including youth groups, camps, religious schools, and social action programs. Bringing together professionals with these unique prospectives yields exciting opportunities for Jewish teens. Relationships are building between jteenphilly professionals– ideas are flowing, and programming collaborations between organizations are increasing with positive results!

We know that teens like to be with other teens. Therefore, jteenphilly has created jteenphilly Microgrants: funding incentives for jteenphilly professionals to partner together for programming. To learn more about this opportunity, click to read the details, or check out the online application. Contact Robyn Cohen with any questions.