By Lori Rubin, Director of Family Engagement

IMG_5643On Sunday, April 3rd, 22 PJ Our Way participants from all over Greater Philadelphia gathered together for a Video-Making workshop. Before we began the program, these 9-11 year olds were asked to describe their PJ Our Way experience. How gratifying it was to see them express that: reading Jewish books was “cool,” that the programs jkidphilly offers are welcoming, and that they are having fun together.

During the workshop, tweens learned what goes into making a video with Eli Eisenstein, a local high school student who shared his passion for videography with the PJ Our Way participants. The kids had the opportunity to record a short video featuring their favorite PJ Our Way book. In addition, they worked on creating a PJ Our Way newsletter complete with interviews, games, quizzes, book reviews, and even a PJ Our Way Philadelphia logo.

IMG_5634As they worked independently or in small groups, Robyn Cohen, Director, PJ Library in Philadelphia noticed how the tweens were interacting with one another sharing information about what they have read and enjoying the time together. One PJ Our Way parent shared that her son loves coming to these programs because it helps him see himself as part of a larger Jewish community.

Launched in October 2015, PJ Our Way in Philadelphia offers tweens a chance to be in the driver’s seat. They choose their own chapter books that are sent directly to their home. Almost 500 tweens in Greater Philadelphia are receiving PJ Our Way books. For more information, go to


Stay tuned to see the newsletter and video when it becomes available. If you have any questions about PJ Our Way, please contact Robyn Cohen, Director, PJ Library in Philadelphia at