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350 Early Childhood Educators Learning Together

by Ellen Walters, Director, Learning Initiatives in Early Childhood Education / This year's Early Childhood Yom Limmud (Conference): Creating Successful Environments, held last Tuesday at Adath Jeshurun, brought together 350 educators and presenters, representing 22 institutions and many facets of early childhood education.

Engage, Engagement, Engaging

By Rabbi Phil Warmflash, Executive Director / Engage, Engagement, Engaging – this is the word that is ubiquitous today in Jewish education and communal parlance.  It has supplanted “outreach” which was employed for several decades.  Outreach implied going out to “them” and bringing them to “us” and was always seen side by side with “inreach” to those who were already “with us.”  Jewish engagement speaks of a different approach.