We are thrilled to introduce Whole Community Inclusion’s newest initiative to support disability inclusion in our congregational schools: The Inclusion Specialists Network.

Made possible by a generous grant from the Janet and Alvin Schwartz Fund for Special Education, the Inclusion Specialists Network is for professionals working in congregational schools to support students who need extra learning, behavioral and/or emotional support. Well-trained, special needs experts in our schools can dramatically improve the experience for these students as well as parents’ satisfaction with the program. With this new initiative, we will bring these specialists together to learn from each other, share resources and receive ongoing professional development from experts in the disability inclusion field.


Participating congregations in the network will receive:

  • A $750 stipend;
  • 10 hours of training for your inclusion specialist;
  • 8 half-hours calls for the inclusion specialist with the ISN coordinator;
  • 2 workshops for Education Directors and inclusion specialists together; and
  • 4 half-hour calls for the Education Director with the ISN coordinator.


Schools participating in the Inclusion Specialists Network will be expected to:

  • Hire an inclusion specialist;
  • Participate in