“Seeing them advance in their learning is a great feeling…”
by Elianna Israel Temple Beth Hillel-Beth El Working with a child with learning disabilities has many challenging moments and many enjoyable moments. One of the enjoyable things about being a member is TAP is knowing that you are part of a group that is helping these children receive the Jewish education that they and every child deserve. Another thing that is enjoyable to me is that I know that I am able to give these children the extra boost that they need to be able to learn. When they need help calming down I can always rely on what I [...]
WCI Panel: Bar/Bat Mitzvah For Children Of All Abilities
By Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer, Director, Whole Community Inclusion / Three moms, from three different Jewish denominations, with five total children who have special needs, gathered together to share their wisdom and experience last Sunday for a Whole Community Inclusion seminar for parents, held in partnership with the Friendship Circle, focusing on Bar/Bat Mitzvah for Children of all Abilities.
Have You Made Hallah Today?
By Robyn Cohen, Director, PJ Library Philadelphia and jteenphilly / Yesterday, over 75 people gathered together at Kesher Israel in West Chester to build community as they learned how to braid and bake hallah.