TAP Teens On Autism Awareness Month
By Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer, Director, Whole Community Inclusion / As part of their ongoing training to learn how to support children with a variety of learning disabilities and special needs in a congregational school setting, teens in our Reta Emerson Fellowship/Teen Assistant Program (TAP) focused on learning more about autism in this month's session.
Proud To Be A TAP Teen!
by Rachel Soloff, BZBI I am proud to be a TAP teen for so many reasons. First off, I have a chance to work with children with special needs. I have wanted to be a pediatric occupational therapist since I was 10 years old. I have helped kids with special needs before but TAP gave me the skills to do it this year and the rest of my life. Secondly, I got to meet amazing people in my TAP group and have made so many new friends because of the program. The other Teen Assistants and I have shared some great [...]
Text Me: Judaism and Technology
By Ellen Walters, Director, Learning Initiatives in Early Childhood Education / Text has a double meaning in Jewish life. We are bound to our ancient and modern texts and we also are linked to the digital age and all of the ways it shapes our lives.