By Robin Minkoff, Director, Finance and Operations

My parents, of blessed memory, were educators who led and grew Jewish institutions and organizations, so it seemed almost natural that I might also choose the field of Jewish communal service for my career.  Their strong imprint on me is their legacy; still, I came to the field on my own terms.  I grew to love the Jewish community through my family, and through my experiences in Jewish day school, Jewish camp and in the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization.  By the age of 15, I knew I wanted to provide personal enrichment and a strong sense of Jewish community to others – to give back.

I did not expect that my work in the field of Jewish communal service would be as rewarding as it is.  The relationships I formed with colleagues and volunteers give me immeasurable joy.  I feel privileged to continue growing personally and professionally through nurturing and challenging experiences, and am thoroughly excited about all that I have yet to do to continue giving back.

Two years ago, Jewish Learning Venture was selected as one of 14 local agencies to participate in Philadelphia’s Areivim Community Legacy Project.  The essence of this important initiative is to shine a light on planned giving, and to solicit revocable Letters of Intent for planned gifts of any amount to strengthen our agency’s future.  When I realized that the invitation to leave a legacy gift of any amount was mine to consider, too, I found another way in which I could give back – and I am richer for accepting it.

Join the conversation: What will be your Jewish communal legacy?