by Robin Minkoff, Director, Finance and Development

When I was very young, my family made annual pilgrimages to Brooklyn to visit my maternal grandparents for the long Thanksgiving weekends. My sister and I would sing show tunes the whole way up I-95 from Baltimore, and on arrival, we’d race up the back steps of their duplex, past the empty glass seltzer bottles, to smell her amazing cooking and his fragrant pipe, and to give/get the hugs that we so longed for. When they relocated a few years later to an apartment complex only 1 mile from our house, the universe of our family was forever changed for the better. We shared stories, holidays, meals, outings, secrets — and together built an enduring legacy of cherished memories.

Join us on September 20th when Jewish Learning Venture honors the special relationships between grandparents and grandchildren during our 2nd jkidphilly Grandparents’ Celebration from 2:00-4:00PM at the Morris Arboretum in Chestnut Hill, PA. Our industrious jkidphilly staff will help you and your family have a wonderful time preparing for the Jewish harvest holiday of Sukkot and create some cherished memories.

Special thanks to Marcy Bacine and Shelley Menkowitz who are Co-Chairs of an outstanding Committee who are generously givingĀ of their time and support, and to the donors who are helping to underwrite the day and future jkidphilly programs.

What do/did you love most about your grandparents?