GB_newBy Dr. Gloria Becker, Director, Educational Technology

Technology. Screen Time. Smart Phones. Interactive Boards. 1 to 1 programs. WiFi. Cybercrime. Digital Footprint. Digital Citizenship. All these techno-terms have become a regular part of our vocabulary. Just as importantly, these terms have become de rigor in every classroom across the globe. Even the poorest of nations have “technology in schools” programs. Soon our own students will be preparing to take all those standardized tests online – no more “bubble” sheets to fill out with number two pencils. For most of our current students, handwriting has been replaced by keyboarding in the curriculum. Students who need to hand-write an essay, like on an AP test, are challenged to make their work legible. Technology is pervasive, including in the Jewish school. To learn more about the history of technology in education, click here.

There are several generations of technology users. I base these generations on how a user began interfacing with computer technology. Even first and second generation users now go nowhere without a device, but are likely to still pick up a pencil and paper.

  • First Generation Users
    • Began using technology at work
    • Technology used only in the workplace
    • Desktop computers running DOS-based applications
  • Second Generation Users
    • Began using technology as an adult
    • Technology used primarily in the workplace, but also at home
    • Desktop computers running DOS-based applications or early Apple products (some pre-mouse/Windows software)
  • Third Generation Users
    • Began learning about technology in middle and high school
    • Had the option to use technology for schoolwork
    • Pre-WiFi
    • Desktop and portable computers (PC or Mac) running MS Windows
  • Fourth Generation Users
    • Technology skills woven into the curriculum of their elementary school programs
    • Had required technology components of middle and high school work
    • Prevalence of notebook computers, beginning to use tablet computers
    • Had regular access to a computer at home and at school
      • The 1 to 1 programs in school are part of this fourth generation
      • WiFi prevalent at school and work
    • Multiple devices running various operating systems and application
  • Fifth Generation Users
    • Comprised of technology users who have never known another way to learn or work
    • Go nowhere without a device of some kind and often don’t know how to use older technologies, like a keyboard or a pencil
    • Check out this short, yet demonstrative video: A Magazine is an iPad that Doesn’t Work.

I am 51 years old. I fall into the second generation of technology users. My college papers were prepared on a Smith-Corona. My first “portable computer” ran on TRS-DOS, had no hard drive, and weighed 23 pounds. It wasn’t a laptop so much as a “lap full.” As an accountant then and a teacher now, computer technology has been part of my adult business and personal life. I didn’t start out with the knowledge and skills I currently have and neither did many of my