One Person’s Story
by Aiden Yanoff, Adath Israel Hearing Dr. Sanford Greenberg's incredible story was an enlightening experience. His story starts off with him talking about his humble beginnings in a small house in Buffalo, New York. He then talks about how there were many ironies throughout his life when it came to his blindness. He talks about how both his aunt and his brother needed to get prosthetic eyes after some kind of accident. Hearing the part about how he described in great detail the experience of being at the doctor's office and being told that he wouldn’t be able to see [...]
Venture Israel Fellowship: Embracing The Complexity of Today’s Israel
By Gabrielle Ariella Kaplan-Mayer Chief Program Officer, Jewish Learning Venture On Wednesday, February 1st, our inaugural cohort of Venture Israel Fellows arrived in Tel Aviv to begin a week of learning about and experiencing contemporary Israel through the eyes of artists, scholars, activists, and poets. The Venture Israel Fellowship, a new partnership funded by Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia and facilitated with Jewish Learning Venture, aims to nurture a diverse network of Jewish professionals eager to create robust and engaging programming that brings evolving Jewish identity into dialogue with the dynamic complexity of today’s Israel. Along with JLV’s Chief [...]
Finding Fun in Failure
by Natalie Polsky, Temple Sholom On January 9, we met with comedian Pam Schuller who talked about her organization, Project Here Now, and how it plans events for teens like “failure graduations” that celebrate messing up. These events can help madrichim and song leaders understand that a slip of the tongue during a lesson or a wrong chord isn’t the end of the world. They could also help teens learn how to reassure children who have difficulty getting over failure. Pam also discussed how humor about her conditions helps herself and others accept themselves more and even lets them open [...]