Innovating Hanukkah
By Ellen Walters, Director, Early Childhood Learning and jkidphilly / This year, for the first time ever, the first day of Hanukkah and Thanksgiving fall on the same day -- what an opportunity to renew our holiday traditions and celebrations!
Innovating Inclusion
By Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer, Program Director for Special Needs/ Kol Yisrael Aravim Zeh Le Zeh - All of Israel is responsible for one another. A young child is diagnosed with a developmental disability and parents search to find an appropriate early childhood center to support their child’s growth.
Standing at the Intersection of Tradition and Innovation
By Rabbi Phil Warmflash, Executive Director/ Over the last two weeks, many people have offered congratulations on Jewish Learning Venture’s being selected as one of the 50 most innovative organizations in Jewish North America by Slingshot ‘13-‘14. I must admit, it is great to be at the top of the “TripAdvisor” guide to Jewish organizations. And more than that, I am very excited about the recognition when I consider that the other agencies selected are, in the main, start-ups and entrepreneurial initiatives that have recently been developed to meet a need in the Jewish community. Not so Jewish Learning Venture.