Elana and Robin welcome their colleague and friend, Alyse Unterberger, who is a former caterer and a great lover of food (Jewish and otherwise!) She is also a Jewish mother, so we all know she is skilled in feeding people! Alyse, Elana, and Robin talk about how “Jewish Cuisine” evolved in the United States, what we think of as “Jewish food” around the world, and what some of their family favorites are.

Show Notes:

  • Alyse Unterberger’s bio
  • Vocabulary
    • Here are some words mentioned during this episode and their definitions:
      • Ashkenazi: One of two major ancestral groups of Jewish people whose ancestors lived in France and Central and Eastern Europe, including Germany, Poland, and Russia. 
      • Ashkenormativity: a form of Eurocentrism within Ashkenazi Jewish culture that confers privilege on Ashkenazi Jews relative to Jews of Sephardic, Mizrahi, or other non-Ashkenazi backgrounds.
      • Charoset: a sweet, dark-colored paste made of fruits and nuts eaten at the Passover Seder.
      • Gefilte fish:  a dish made from a poached mixture of ground deboned fish, such as carp, whitefish, or pike. It is traditionally served as an appetizer.
      • Haggadah: the text recited at the Seder on the first two nights of the Jewish Passover, including a narrative of the Exodus.
      • Knaidel: Yiddish word for Matzah ball.
      • Knish: a traditional Ashkenazi Jewish snack food consisting of a filling covered with dough that is typically baked or sometimes deep fried.
      • Kugel: a traditional Ashkenazi baked casserole, most commonly made from lokshen or Jewish egg noodles or potato.
      • Lox:  a filet of brined salmon, which may be smoked. Lox is frequently served on a bagel with cream cheese.
      • Pesach: Hebrew word for Passover.
      • Seder: a Jewish ritual service and ceremonial dinner for the first night or first two nights of Passover.
      • Sephardic: One of two major ancestral groups of Jewish people whose ancestors lived in Spain, Portugal, North Africa, and the Middle East.
  • Further Reading




 Hey, Elana.



This is our last episode.


Well, I don’t know about ever. Never say never. 

No, never. 

That’s true. But it is our last episode of this season.


Maybe our listeners will just have to wait and see. There are definitely more questions to answer. 

I mean, how many questions are left in the… two?

Oh, no. Uh-uh. Nope, not gonna say it. 

All right, fine. Let’s just get into it then. I’m Robin Matthews, JLV’s Graphic Designer and Director of jkidpride and PJ Our Way Engagement.

And I’m Elana Rivel, JLV’s CEO. And we are the hosts of more than four A blogcas that answers

Robin and Elana

Some of the questions people have about Judaism.

Okay, so today we’re answering the question, “what do Jews eat?”
